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Talent Builds

Enhance Shaman rotation breakdown. Spell priorities on this page change dynamically depending on selected talents, legendary and covenant. Original Russian page here. Author: Amani, based on Wordup’s Enhancement Shaman Rotation Guide.

Important note! Priority list on this page dynamically changes depending on which talents, legendary and covenant are chosen. If any procs or buffs are not listed, then they do not affect the priority of abilities. All buttons below are clickable.


Important note! Regardless of your build, talents, or type of combat, make sure you always have the weapon enhancements applied – Windfury Weapon and Flametongue Weapon.

Single Target


Opener is a fixed ordered list of abilities to use at the start of an encounter.

  1. Windfury Totem before the pull, as close to the boss as possible.
  2. Windfury Totem before the pull, as close to the boss as possible.
  3. Windfury Totem before the pull, as close to the boss as possible.
  4. Stormkeeper before the pull.
  5. Flame Shock on the way into melee.
  6. Flame Shock on the way into melee.
  7. Flame Shock on the way into melee.
  8. Primordial Wave on the way into melee.
  9. Vesper Totem right from the start, at the boss location.
  10. Earthen Spike.
  11. Feral Spirit.
  12. Stormstrike.
  13. Fae Transfusion.
  14. Ascendance.
  15. Windstrike.
  16. Windfury Totem to activate Doom Winds legendary effect.
  17. Follow the priority list.

Priority List

Spell priority list that changes dynamically based on selected talents, legendary and covenant.

  1. Windfury Totem if you stand within range of the totem for at least 45 seconds.
  2. Windfury Totem if you stand within range of the totem for at least 45 seconds.
  3. Windfury Totem if you stand within range of the totem for at least 45 seconds.
  4. Feral Spirit.
  5. Fae Transfusion.
  6. Ascendance.
  7. Windfury Totem, if you can receive Doom Winds legendary effect.
  8. Windstrike.
  9. Lava Lash with the Hot Hand or with 6+ Primal Lava Actuators stacks.
  10. Lava Lash with 6+ Primal Lava Actuators stacks.
  11. Lava Lash with 6+ Primal Lava Actuators stacks.
  12. Lava Lash with the Hot Hand buff.
  13. Lava Lash with the Hot Hand buff.
  14. Lava Lash with the Hot Hand buff.
  15. Stormstrike with the Doom Winds buff.
  16. Crash Lightning with the Doom Winds buff.
  17. Sundering with the Doom Winds buff.
  18. Lightning Bolt with the Primordial Wave buff and 5+ Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  19. Primordial Wave if it’s buff is not active.
  20. Flame Shock if it’s not up on a target.
  21. Frost Shock with the Hailstorm buff.
  22. Earthen Spike.
  23. Vesper Totem
  24. Stormstrike with the Stormbringer buff.
  25. Chain Lightning with the Stormkeeper buff.
  26. Elemental Blast with 5+ Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  27. Chain Harvest with 5+ Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  28. Lightning Bolt with 10 Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  29. Stormstrike.
  30. Stormkeeper with 5+ Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  31. Lava Lash.
  32. Lightning Bolt with 5+ Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  33. Sundering.
  34. Frost Shock.
  35. Crash Lightning.
  36. Ice Strike.
  37. Fire Nova.
  38. Flame Shock.
  39. Windfury Totem if all other abilities are unavailable.

AoE Fight


Opener is a fixed ordered list of abilities to use at the start of an encounter.

  1. Windfury Totem before the pull, as close to the pack as possible.
  2. Windfury Totem before the pull, as close to the pack as possible.
  3. Windfury Totem before the pull, as close to the pack as possible.
  4. Stormkeeper before the pull.
  5. Flame Shock to the most resilient enemy.
  6. Vesper Totem.
  7. Feral Spirit.
  8. Fae Transfusion.
  9. Crash Lightning.
  10. Crash Lightning.
  11. Crash Lightning.
  12. Lava Lash on the target with Flame Shock debuff.
  13. Primordial Wave in the target without Flame Shock debuff.
  14. Flame Shock, if it miss on one of the targets.
  15. Fire Nova.
  16. Sundering.
  17. Crash Lightning.
  18. Lightning Bolt with the Primordial Wave buff and 5+ Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  19. Ascendance.
  20. Windfury Totem.
  21. Windfury Totem to activate Doom Winds legendary effect.
  22. Follow the priority list.

Priority list

Spell priority list against 2 or more targets that changes dynamically based on selected talents, legendary and covenant. If any procs or buffs are not listed, then they do not affect the priority of abilities.

  • Important note! When playing with Lashing Flames, always try to hit a target with Flame Shock with Lava Lash, but without the debuff of Lashing Flames. Maintaining the debuff from this talent on as many targets as possible is the basis of Enhance AoE rotation. Use Plater Mod to easily keep track of both debuffs.
  1. Windfury Totem if you stand within range of the totem for at least 45 seconds.
  2. Windfury Totem if you stand within range of the totem for at least 45 seconds.
  3. Windfury Totem if you stand within range of the totem for at least 45 seconds.
  4. Feral Spirit.
  5. Fae Transfusion.
  6. Ascendance, trying to hit as many targets as possible.
  7. Chain Harvest with 5+ Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  8. Windfury Totem, if you can receive Doom Winds legendary effect.
  9. Fire Nova if there atleast 4+ targets with Flame Shock debuff.
  10. Primordial Wave if it’s buff is not active.
  11. Lava Lash to target with Flame Shock debuff, but without Lashing Flames debuff.
  12. Flame Shock if it’s not up on a target.
  13. Lightning Bolt with the Primordial Wave buff and 5+ Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  14. Frost Shock with the Hailstorm buff.
  15. Crash Lightning with the Doom Winds buff.
  16. Sundering, trying to hit as many targets as possible.
  17. Vesper Totem
  18. Chain Lightning with the Stormkeeper buff.
  19. Crash Lightning if the buff is inactive.
  20. Lava Lash with the Crash Lightning buff.
  21. Elemental Blast with 5+ Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  22. Chain Lightning with 10 Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  23. Stormstrike with the Crash Lightning buff.
  24. Fire Nova if there 2+ targets with Flame Shock debuff.
  25. Stormkeeper with 5+ Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
  26. Crash Lightning.
  27. Stormstrike / Windstrike.
  28. Stormstrike.
  29. Stormstrike.
  30. Frost Shock.
  31. Ice Strike.
  32. Earthen Spike.
  33. Windfury Totem
  34. Windfury Totem
  35. Windfury Totem

Important Notes

  • Windfury Totem is worth using if your group will be within its range for at least 45 seconds. Otherwise, it’s better to spend the GCD on other abilities.
  • Don’t spend Maelstrom Weapon immediately, and don’t overcap. It’s best to spend them at 7-8 stacks, at convenient time between CD’s of other abilities.
  • Stormstrike with the Stormbringer proc has the same priority as without it.
  • Opposite situation – Lava Lash with Hot Hand buff. In single target situation, Lava Lash has a much higher priority than without it.
  • During the Hot Hand buff always alternate Lava Lash and the next highest priority ability. Lava Lash’s cooldown with this buff is equal two GCD’s, no matter how much haste you have. The exception is Urh buff in Mythic+, when you can just spam Lava Lash with no CD.
  • If you get 50-60% Haste from Splintered Elements legendary and targets under Flame Shock are still alive along with the Hot Hand buff, you can also spam Lava Lash in a row without an GCD. This is possible due to the large amount of Haste and the effect of the lore legendary Primal Lava Actuators.